What a nice weekend! We didn't go away but Jason and Lucas (and Kitty) came home for a visit. Well they sort of came home to visit. Bill, Jason and Lucas went on a road trip Saturday to look at a truck Jason wanted to buy-he did... then they got things ready for Big Dogs next weekend. It will be quiet but I will get a lot done.

Although Laura didn't come home, she certainly had some exciting news. It is definitely time for her to be happy!!

Geoff is deploying soon, so I assume the "big day" won't happen until he comes home. Maybe in WV??????
All will be rather quiet here. We have, sort of, adopted some feral kitties. They were born under our shed and are still hanging out there. Maybe they are there because we felt bad and decided to feed them. They are just so durn cute... Let me introduce you to three of the kittens... Momma and one kitty seem to be a bit more timid than these...

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