Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just Stuff

Spring has come and gone, hotter weather is setting in.. and it has been a long time since I wrote much of a blog. Yesterday was my birthday, 52, and I have decided to get it together and start accomplishing things. Piles-have to get rid of piles (didn't I blog about this last year??), half-finished projects need to be totally finished, organized.. ummm, yeah sure, it's worth a try! Yard work.. oh heavens, I am grateful that I have found help to get some of that done... Oh and I need to make a list for Bill. If I am going to get things done, shouldn't he be doing the same.

I did finish this trio of cute little doilies today. Not sure where the pattern came from, not even sure where it is, lol! But the ends are woven in and they are starched.. no, they are not perfect. Had never used cotton thread before but thing I will try some other projects using it. Will stick to small items for a bit though.

While fooling around on Facebook, found a post about Esau. He was Josh's dog, the dog that he slept with in Fallujah, the dog that was his right arm, an Air Force bomb dog. It appears that Esau developed a tumor and had to be put down. Maybe they can run and play together in Heaven. Rest in peace, faithful friend!

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