I didn't realize that it had been such a long time since my last blog post! Geez, time does get away from you doesn't it? Since the last post Bill and I had our 27th anniversary... but we have another coming up the end of the month. That one be our 15th. Yes, we were married twice.. once at a justice of the peace and once in the Church. Amazingly, after all this time, I would do it again... He is just the best!!
Lucas was home from Anchorage for 2 weeks on leave, which was perfect but again too short. He has another year there and then will come back to the lower 48. Laura will be home for a week or two, hopefully next month or the first of September. Can't wait till then.. Have hardly seen Jason since he has a new girlfriend and this one is gem, unlike the last one.
Summer is also going very quickly. My goals were (are) to weed and move flower gardens. They are just too big and we cant keep up with them anymore (or did we ever?). Next was to paint the outside of the house. Wellll, all is started and just praying I can finish before the snow flys.
Knitting is progressing about as quickly as everything else. Just finished the heels on a toe-up sock using the Pagewood yarn that Laura got me for Christmas. It is an awesome yarn... just hate the pattern I was using.. the fit stinks so tonight they are getting ripped out and start the toes again. That's a few weeks of wasted work...teaches me to stick with what I know works!!
Ahhhh well, off to work on cleaning out piles!